Thursday, January 15, 2009

a day to myself, kinda

so today i felt like i needed some time to myself and decided to head out to Grand Targhee and use up one of the passes mom and dad got me for my birthday. The snow was great and i had a blast. It was nice because i could board as much and as fast as i wanted to, without having to wait for others...not that i dont enjoy being with others and such, but it was nice for once to get out there and really tear it up according to what i wanted. I got down the hill near closing and thought i was done because the clock read 3:58 and they close at 4 pm, but before i left i asked if i could head up once more...and they let me so i got a lot of boarding in. Then after they closed i came home and spent the rest of the evening with Sommer. We ended up watching some movie. We've been planning a trip out to her family's place over this 4 day weekend, we leave on Friday. It should be fun, there is a lot of stuff to do at her place and we're planning to end up boarding at the resort nearby called Bogus Basin.

i put loads of pics from the boarding trip on my picasa web album, check it

1 comment:

Our Little Family said...

This is your best post YET! I am so glad you got to have some time for your self and from the videos and pics it looks like you had a great day!

Have fun this weekend up in Boise! How is Sommer liking her job at the ski resort? And have you decided if you will be able to be here at the beginning of Feb for the blessing?

THANKS again for the update, you should take pics this weekend and BLOG about your trip! That would be AWESOME!