Sunday, January 25, 2009

Intense day

so Saturday was a bit intense, so intense i didnt take any pictures...

I started the day bright and early at 7:30 and then promptly went back to sleep until 8:30 and got ready real quick so that Sommer and i could head out to Grand Targhee. We ended up boarding all day and had a blast. It was a beautiful day for snowboarding...snow storm. It dropped a foot or so of fresh snow up on the mountain and near white out conditions made the day a blast. After a full day of intense boarding, learning new tricks and having fun...we drove down to Green Canyon Hot Springs so we could relax in the hot tub and swimming. We spent from 7-9 out at the hot springs. As it closed i changed back into dry clothes and dried off...Sommer decided to stay in her swim suit and just dried off as much as she could. We got in her jeep and started driving home. I normally drive and was driving back to Rexburg in her jeep from Green Canyon on some ghetto hick road. The road was slicked and covered in light snow so i couldnt see the ice patch i was about to drive over....i ended up losing control on the ice and slid into the bank of snow which caused the jeep to flip onto its side.....suck!

Well there we were hanging sideways in her jeep (both of us were seat belted). since she was still in her swim suit, i bundled up and started back for the swimming pool...about 1/2 way there a truck passed and they drove me back to Sommer. We ended up having to call OnStar (the guy's truck had it) and getting a tow truck. Nothing super eventful happened after that...the tow truck came, flipped us back on all 4 wheels and then took the jeep back towards rexburg in a city called New Dale. Now all i have to do is figure out how i'm going to take care of this....crap

Friday, January 16, 2009

2 days in a row...pfff

Ok, i know that some of your hopes rose as you noticed i posted yesterday but lets be honest with ourselves...i wont keep this up. although i downloaded picasa and now have all my pictures organized n such....i wont become a blogger.

so for the last 2 weeks ive been bummin it at my old apartment. Mooching off of my room mates until i make up my mind concerning what ill do with the time i have off track. its been a slow process...ive got a girlfriend keeping me busy and parents who are pulling for a decision. since i dont really have a job here in Rexburg and no real hope of finding one (outside of the call center) and no real room to call my own...the only reason i have for staying in town is Sommer. There are days when i dont even really get around to thinking about this decision because i spend it all with her. so i figure i should get on that decision making process.
i mean, this is how bad im mooching...look for yourself

Left - my bed....its not very inviting. even though there is a NES right there (complete with Duck Hunt and Mario)

Top right - Here is my closet.

Bottom Right- And here is my desk.

I put these pictures up with caution...worried that somehow it will set mom off.

I do have 6 more passes i need to use up at Grand Targhee before the season is over and if i head out to Mexico i wont be able to use them...

I am real excited for this weekend though.

by the way, that collage of snowboarding i made it my background...i know im conceited, kinda

i also learned why i shouldn't try talking while some professional photographer is taking pictures...i look 1/2 der while these other 3 are all putting on their beautiful model faces.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

a day to myself, kinda

so today i felt like i needed some time to myself and decided to head out to Grand Targhee and use up one of the passes mom and dad got me for my birthday. The snow was great and i had a blast. It was nice because i could board as much and as fast as i wanted to, without having to wait for others...not that i dont enjoy being with others and such, but it was nice for once to get out there and really tear it up according to what i wanted. I got down the hill near closing and thought i was done because the clock read 3:58 and they close at 4 pm, but before i left i asked if i could head up once more...and they let me so i got a lot of boarding in. Then after they closed i came home and spent the rest of the evening with Sommer. We ended up watching some movie. We've been planning a trip out to her family's place over this 4 day weekend, we leave on Friday. It should be fun, there is a lot of stuff to do at her place and we're planning to end up boarding at the resort nearby called Bogus Basin.

i put loads of pics from the boarding trip on my picasa web album, check it